About Us
Pioneers of link-enabling APIs
We want you to be able to connect your data as easily as you connect web pages. Your data is more meaningful if it contains links to related data. For example, a Wikipedia page with links to other pages has more value than a book page with no links. We want your data to benefit from the same level of connectivity which currently exists between web pages.
We think that data connectivity is only possible by using open standards. The problem is that data integration solution vendors have adopted a business model based on closed/proprietary interfaces and data formats to achieve vendor lock-in. As a result, data silos have been created with no connections between them even though the data is related.
A lack of traceability in engineering can lead to a lack of oversight, a lack of collaboration, a lack of good design decisions, and ultimately product failure. Technical products are becoming increasingly complex since they involve an increasing number of stakeholders, suppliers, engineering disciplines, simulation models, and software. Early identification of design errors, impact analysis, efficient change management is only possible with good data traceability.
Stop using proprietary data integration solutions forcing you into yet other data silos. Be inspired by the connectivity on the Web as you experience it every day in your browser. Start taking advantage of open Web standards to achieve the same level of data connectivity as on the Web.
Koneksys Overview
- Creating solutions to connect data silos using the Web for improved traceability, transparency, collaboration, and analytics
- Providing consulting and research services
- Creating open-source software
- Promoting the Data Web
Solutions Created by Koneksys
- OSLC adapters (OSLC APIs Solutions )
- OSLC clients (OSLC API Client Solutions)
- OSLC data management apps (Data Mashup Apps)
- OSLC specifications (Data Web Specifications)
- OSLC Community Efforts
- Model-Based Systems Engineering
- Linked Data Research
- Web applications
- Engineering & Analysis
- Network Security & Databases
OSLC Community Efforts
- Help build the OSLC Community
- Develop open-source OSLC solutions
- Member of OASIS OSLC Lifecycle Integration Core (OSLC Core) TC
- Member of OASIS OSLC Lifecycle Integration for Change and Configuration Management (OSLC CCM) TC
- Former Co-Chair of OSLC4MBSE Working Group
- Former Chair of INCOSE Tool Integration and Model Lifecycle Management Working Group
- Presented OSLC at multiple conferences: INCOSE, OMG, SAE International Automotive, North American Modelica Users Group, IBM InterConnect, IBM Innovate, NoMagic World Conference, European Conference on Interoperability for Embedded Systems Development Environments, System Architecture Virtual Integration (SAVI) Program, STEP AP 239 Workshop, CIMdata's Systems Engineering Workshop
Meet the team

Axel Reichwein
CEO and Product Manager

Victor Polo
Senior Backend Developer, Infrastructure and AI

Fabio Ribeiro
Senior Backend Developer

Mario Carrasco
Senior Full Stack Developer

Juan Quintanar
Full Stack Developer

Mahir Faisal
Frontend Developer
They trust us

also John Deere, Stottler Henke Associates, and more.